Our Mission
Living and sharing the Gospel through the gift of furniture
Our History
Fully Furnished Ministries is the only furniture bank north of US 285 and was established in 2003 by a group of volunteers with a simple idea of matching those desiring to give furniture away to those in need in a God-honoring way. The needs kept coming - from many different circumstances: apartment fires, hurricanes, floods, refugee settlement, family transitional housing programs, women fleeing abuse or choosing life, veterans needing housing and sometimes a family just needing a new start. In 2021 the Ministry was able to hire our first full-time staff person, Executive Director, John Dance, as well as two part-time staff to assist in warehouse maintenance and community outreach activities. The result of full-time operational presence and owning our own 3 trucks has been dramatic. We couldn’t grow at the current pace without our outstanding volunteers and partners. No matter where someone - a donor, volunteer, partner, or recipient family - enters the path, ministry happens and lives are impacted.