
Amazon Wishlist

People often ask, how can I help? Two words…


Most of us order from Amazon on a daily basis. Would you consider purchasing items to help support our ministry? Your support helps furnish homes for families in need and ultimately allow us to be the hands of feet of Jesus. In Acts 20:35 we are told, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” When we live generously, our cups are filled by meeting the needs of others.

Some items on our list include:

-Lamps-Nightstands-Sheets-Comforters-Pots & Pans-Mattress Pads-

*When checking out, be sure to choose Fully Furnished Ministries as your shipping address so it can be sent straight to our warehouse*

Welcome Home Baskets

Making a house feel like a home can be a difficult task! When we fully furnish a home, we always leave a "Welcome Home Basket'' to bless the family we are serving. Baskets are filled with basic items needed to clean and maintain a home. 

Creating a basket is a simple and practical way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We love to see the creative and helpful things that you put in these baskets. It helps our families feel truly loved and cared for.  Making welcome baskets is an easy way to serve with your Bible Study Groups, family, or even your friends! While a basket may seem small, it supports our ministry in a huge way!

Basket Ideas

Paper products: paper towels, toilet paper

Disinfecting supplies: clorox wipes, antibacterial spray

Kitchen and floor cleaners: swiffer, wood & tile floor cleaner

Toilet Bowl Cleaner: liquid or tablets

Dishwasher detergent: dish soap, liquid or tablets

Personal Care items: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant

Cleaning Tools: bucket, broom, mop, toilet brush, rubber gloves

Baskets can be dropped off at our warehouse. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out by emailing We can’t wait for you to join us in serving our families in this simple and practical way. 

Our Why!

As the Lord continues to bless our ministry, we have many new faces that have come alongside us to serve. We believe it’s important to share with you the mission and heartbeat of Fully Furnished Ministries.

Our mission is simple. Live and share the gospel through the gift of furniture. In 1 Timothy chapter 6, we are called “to be generous and willing to share." Fully Furnished provides others with the opportunity to put this verse into action. 

As the only furniture bank north of US 285, the need to provide dignified living space for families is at an all-time high. Many have nothing more than a floor for a bed, four walls, and a roof to call their own. Fully Furnished was established in 2003 to change that! A group of volunteers came up with the simple idea of matching those desiring to give furniture away to those in need in a God-honoring way.

God has allowed our ministry to flourish over the past 19 years. Whether it’s through a donor, volunteer, partner, or recipient family, the name of Jesus is being shared. It is our hope and prayer that we continue to see homes furnished and hearts forever changed. 

Are you in the Atlanta area and would you like to make a difference in the lives of others one family at a time? If so, come participate with us through volunteering, donating your used furniture, and partnering with us financially. Go to to find out more

Joy & Serving [impact with every interaction]

Many of you may know this wonderful man, Victor Reed. Victor has been volunteering with Fully Furnished for years and his impact is felt across the many interactions he has with people every week.


He started with our ministry by showing up on a Saturday to move some furniture — as many of you have done over the weeks, months and years. But he found his real niche in serving when he found out about the Restoration Team. Now for months and months, every Tuesday, Victor shows up and helps lead the team in bringing new life to furniture that is broken or worn down. Without a big commotion upon entering or leaving the warehouse, Victor quietly works. And without realizing, he brings Christ’s peace, love and joy.

Anyone there on a Tuesday knows Victor and sees Victor. And although they don’t hear much from Victor, they feel Victor. His steady commitment to serving each and every week, bad knees and all, reminds us all of the importance of giving back to others.

But Victor didn’t stop there — many months ago, he realized that his own church had a moving truck that sat idle a lot of days of the week. After permission from his church, he came to us and asked if we wanted to use it. Knowing our needs were growing beyond Saturdays, he offered to bring the truck over a couple of Fridays a month and drive it to any needed deliveries. And of course we said YES! And thank you!

Now that we have 2 of our own trucks, we shifted our days and Victor now brings it out a Saturday or two per month to give us a much needed third truck. Victor’s commitment to serving and willingness to create a partnership for us with his church is impacting more people than we will ever know. Every piece he helps restore will bring more joy and love to a family in need, showing how much others care for them, because of Christ’s love. Every time he brings that truck over and drives it, more and more families are able to be served and their lives will be forever changed as they step out of poverty and into a fuller life.

Take a few minutes and hear from Victor in this video. Hear about why he serves and finds joy in his weekly volunteering with FFM, and oh so much more. You don’t want to miss these 3 minutes of Victor and his nuggets of wisdom amidst a spirit of peace. Watch here.

If you’d like to volunteer, then we know we can find the perfect spot for you to serve using your specific gifts, talents and passions. Find out more here.

Not Just Any Group [impact with every interaction]


What a group! This group of 20-25 men are truly making an impact with every interaction they make at FFM…with one another, with volunteers, with recipient families, and even with our checking account! And here’s how:

Every Wednesday night, this awesome group of men, mostly from Victory Church, come together at our FFM warehouse to share food, fellowship and studying of the Word. Yep, they use our space, and no, we don’t just do that for any and every Bible study group. BUT these guys are not just any group.

The last Saturday or every month, this group of men come out and serve our families. They show up at 7:30am and load up, drive out and deliver much needed furnishings to families all over town. They follow this with picking up items from donors, taking them back to the warehouse and unloading. By 12:30/1pm they leave having made a huge impact.

But they don’t stop there. They worked out a cool partnership with another ministry they volunteer through, to provide us with incredible food boxes for that Saturday. So, they show up that day with food boxes in hand to bless those 4-6 recipient families for that day. We don’t usually provide food to anyone, but these guys wanted to surprise those families on their serve Saturday with this extra blessing of love and provision from the Lord. And those food boxes are making a huge impact.

But they don’t stop there. As a group, they collect funds and put them into one pot to divide among different community causes, needs and ministries. They agreed as a group to commit, and have been giving to Fully Furnished Ministries, a monthly financial contribution. And those dollars are making a huge impact.

These guys are no freeloaders. They are volunteers and donors. They are men of word and deed. They are choosing to make an impact with every interaction and opportunity. If you see one of them out on a Saturday, be sure to ask them about the many other ministries and organizations they are helping and contributing to — and pray for them. We need more men’s groups like these, impacting lives for the Lord.

If you’d like to give of your time, talents or treasure, then we would be blessed! Click here for more info on giving financially and serving by volunteering with us.

Starting all over

Oftentimes, we have people wonder and ask, “How does someone need a whole apartment of furniture?” or “How is it that someone has a child or children sleeping on the floor?”

Though the answer is rarely the same, and every person we serve has a different story, there is hardship in every single one. And for some, the answer is simply “I’m starting all over.” There are differing circumstances for why they are having to start all over — off the top of my head, I can name a few, like house fires, domestic abuse, homelessness, job loss, the domino effect that leads to the loss of a storage unit, and more. And nearly all of these cases of needs come through our incredible community partners who are addressing other areas of need for those families and we can step in to fill in the “furnishings” piece of the puzzle.

For this single mom of 5 pictured below, she was thrilled to have us step in and help in the process of starting over in her life. We delivered a bunk bed, dresser and sofa to fill in a bit of her starting over puzzle. In the same day, we delivered to another single mom who had suffered domestic abuse and was starting over with her 3 kids. They received 2 twin beds, 2 dressers and 2 night stands to give her children a “real room” in which to live.


Pray for these families in our communities that are starting over. They’ve been through a lot of hurts and are finally in a place where they can start fresh and make a new life for themselves and their children. And if you’re interested in getting involved through your time, talent and treasure, click around our website and find the area where you can give!

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Click here to donate your time and talent as a volunteer, either moving furniture or refurbishing it.

Click here to donate your treasure of furnishings. Click here to donate your treasure of finances.